5 Quotes & Sayings By Jim Lynch

Jim Lynch is the author of fifty books, including the best-selling "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Jim has appeared on The Oprah Show, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, BBC, The Discovery Channel (UK), Fox News Channel, and many other television shows. He is the #1 personal productivity guru in America and has appeared on NBC-TV’s Today Show, CBS-TV’s Early Show, The O’Reilly Factor (Fox News), Good Morning America (ABC) and many other shows. Jim Lynch is also the host of the popular Podcast "Biz in 30 Minutes", which is in its tenth year in operation.

When Rachel Carson accepted the National Book Award, she said, 'if there is poetry in my book about the sea it is not because I deliberately put it there but because no one could write truthfully about the sea and leave out poetry. Jim Lynch
See as much as you can see, I guess. Rachel Carson said most of us go through life "unseeing." I do that some days... I think it's easier to see when you're a kid. We're not in a hurry to get anywhere and we don't have those long to-do lists you guys have. Jim Lynch
The more Wayne inhabited Edison, the more he wondered how a man cultivates a stubborn streak so pronounced that it transforms a daily barrage of failures into stimulants. Jim Lynch
I hate myself pretty often". She tilted her face back on the pillow, damning tears and attempting so smile at the same time. "Pretty fucking often Jim Lynch